3D Printer Projects


I own a 3D printer(FlashForge Adventurer 3) for about 3 years now and in that time printed roughly 50 to 100 objects. This is a selection of some parts I designed myself and also some objects I printed that I found on Thingiverse. While it seems that 3D printing is as easy as downloading a file and just hitting start on the printer, this is sadly not the case yet. There is a lot of nuanced experience to learn first to get consistently good prints and even then there is no guarantee since each print has its own challenges. But through experimenting with the parameters and doing a lot of prints one develops a good intuition on where the challenges are with each model and how to adjust the settings accordingly. But even then there is always the possibility of prints that don’t turn out great or just fail entirely.

Remote Control Holder

When I got new windows for my room I was thrilled since they could be remotely opened and closed both using an app and a remote control. But apparently, no one at Velux thought about a good way of hanging those remotes on the wall. Since the only mechanism to attach the remotes would permanently fix them to the wall without the ability to just pick them up and use them anywhere in my room. But luckily since I have a 3D printer I thought about making some holders on my own. I used Fusion 360 to design my parts first and after 2 prototypes I was finally happy with the result and printed 4 pieces for each of the remotes. They can be attached to the wall by screws or in my case even just using double-sided tape. I can attach the remotes to the wall if I want to store them but also just slide them out if I want to use them somewhere else. The 3D model of the holders can be found on Thingiverse.

Motion Sensor Cover

A year ago I bought myself a motion sensor and some WIFI-capable power switches to make my room smarter and be able to control things like lights from my phone. One part of this was the idea to use the motion sensor to automatically turn on the lights in my room. Since the motion sensor also includes a light sensor, the idea was to only turn on the light if it is dark enough in my room. All of that worked pretty well except for me waking up sometimes at night to my room being completely illuminated. Turns out the reason for this, was my cat walking around in my room and activating the motion sensor. To solve this problem I decided to design a cover for my motion sensor that would block the motion sensor’s ability to react to things happening close to the ground like for example my cat. I again used Fusion 360 to design this part and the files are again available on Thingiverse.

Other Things

While I also designed some other things like a reusable straw for bubble tea I also relied a lot on the community of Thingiverse and other 3D print websites that are a great source for inspiration for projects. They are also perfect to get amazing 3D models which you can print without needing any CAD experience. To still be able to show a lot of the things that I printed over the years I will just put some pictures here without going into much detail. While writing this post I was surprised to see how many 3D-printed things there are in my room without me noticing.

Headphone Holder

Desk Utilities

Raspberry Pi Case

Game Controller Wall Mount

Screwdriver Case (with hinge and magnet)

Cable and Battery Holder

Espresso Wall Mount

Watering Can

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